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2023 EPA
Grant Awardee

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Photo by Mark Burchick


Understanding and Addressing the Impacts of Wetland Mowing to Facilitate Meeting the Chesapeake Bay Wetland Enhancement Goals

Clean Streams was awarded a grant from the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) Goal Implementation Team (GIT) Funding Program via the Chesapeake Bay Trust (CBT).

Goals include:

1. Locating and quantifying acres of mowed herbaceous, tidal wetland in the Chesapeake Bay of Maryland and Virginia using satellite imagery, multispectral drone imagery and machine learning in ARC GIS.







2. Literature review of state and local laws, policies, regulations, regarding wetland mowing.

3. Interviews with local, state, and federal tidal wetland regulatory permit and enforcement staff.

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Graphic c/o Prof. Wang - Towson University

Regional Projects

MWCOG 2023-2025 Standard Good Housekeeping Plan Development

Clean Streams, in conjunction with Dewberry, will develop Good Housekeeping Plan (GHP) templates for County-owned properties not required to be covered under Maryland’s Stormwater Industrial General Permit for Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Charles, Frederick, Harford, Montgomery, and Prince George’s County .

Under Task 2, the Contractor will develop the GHP template(s) that follow the requirements in MS4 Permit Part IV.D.4.b.

  • A map template for the locations of properties covered by the GHP

  • A list of potential pollutants and their sources that result from the activities identified in Task 1 of the project which aims to generate a draft list of activities, including criteria and thresholds, that would be
    covered under a GHP.

  • Written pollution prevention procedures designed to reduce and/or eliminate the occurrence of spills, accidental dumping of materials that may result in a stormwater pollution event, stormwater runoff contamination by stored materials, and/or illicit discharges to the storm drain system.

  • Written procedures for annually assessing county properties to prevent the discharge of pollutants, spills, and leaks into the MS4. Identify and develop pollution prevention property assessment checklists and written guidance to ensure stormwater pollution events are eliminated to the extent practicable.

  • Written procedures for performing stormwater conveyance system inspections for removing debris that may cause clogging, backups, and flooding. Identify and develop checklists and written guidance for property-specific stormwater conveyance system inspections on subject County properties to ensure the free flow of stormwater within the storm drain system.


County Projects

Our happiest stream field scientist!

Prince George's County MD

We continue to work on cutting edge projects in Prince George's County MD in 2024. Lots of details coming later in the year. Stay tuned!!!

2023 Countywide Biological & WQ Monitoring and Physical Habitat Assessment, Prince George’s County, MD 2023 Clean Streams provided watershed scale monitoring at 94 random segments across the county in 2023.


 Tasks included:

  • A desktop screening of all primary and alternate site locations for field teams for sampleability, safety and accessibility before sampling.

  • Spring index period aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates sampling (modified version of MBSS protocol).

  • Modified Wolman pebble count for field determination of the particle size distribution of channel materials.

  • County-specific versions of the MBSS physical habitat assessment and EPA’s rapid bioassessment protocols physical habitat assessment (PHAB) for low gradient streams.

  • Measures of stability of channel morphology: 

    • wetted width

    • thalweg

    • bankfull height

    • bankfull width

  • Water quality parameters including pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity and water temperature were gathered using YSi ProDSS, YSi ProQuatro or Horiba U-5000 probes.

  • For purposes of quality control, replicate samples and measurements were taken for adjacent reaches at 10 percent of the sites.

  • All data was gathered on Samsung Android OS-based tablets using Survey123 and saved to a server in real-time.


​The gathered data was used in calculating metrics for the benthic-index of biological integrity (BIBI), relative bed stability (RBS) and for producing site assessments and summary statistics by subwatershed such as:


  • Percent degradation of subwatersheds

  • Relationship of biological conditions to predominant land use, physical habitat condition, pebble count and water chemistry.

Stream BEHI/NBS, Bulk Density, N & P Content 2022-2025 Clean Streams updated sediment yield calculations to improve the accuracy of the estimations of sediment lost (erosion) or gained (deposition) at 80 locations in the county, and calculated soil bulk density, the Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI), Near Bank Sheer Stress (NBS), and measured nitrogen and phosphorus content of soil samples.


The goal is to better understand streambank erosion and nutrient processing at monumented cross sections. With this information we better understand associated stream condition results from biological and physical habitat, BIBI and PHAB assessments and we can more accurately describe stream channel instability in terms of rates of erosion, sediment yield and nutrient conditions.


The results contribute to longer range stream restoration crediting in support of the requirements of Protocol 1: Credit for Prevented Sediment during Storm Flows of the 2021 Unified Guide for Crediting Stream and Floodplain Restoration Projects in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

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Spatial distribution of stream sites (n=92) throughout Prince George’s County Maryland.

Arlington County, VA

2023-2028 Consulting  Services in Support of Arlington County's Phase I MS4 Permit & Stormwater Management Program (23-DES-RFP-324) Clean Streams is providing Arlington with support on multiple aspects of its MS4 permit (VA0088579), which is in year 3 of 5 at the time of contract award. This may include BMP inspections, TMDLs support (PCB and tidal and non-tidal bacteria), water quality monitoring, IDDE with Molecular Source Tracking (MST), commercial hotspot inspections, and industrial stormwater permit support. 

2014-2015 BMP Inspections Completed two years of stormwater management inspections to comply with MS4 permit BMP inspection-audit requirements for self-inspecting landowners. This included both a random audit component of 10% of all county BMPs and non-compliant landowners. Contacted landowners directly, completed inspections, generated a summary digital report, and sent results or violations letters to landowners with a summary of action items.​

New (2014) Virginia Stormwater Management Regulations Comparison Task, Arlington County Government - This task commissioned  by Arlington County, VA included comparing 5 existing permitted plans, 4  redevelopment projects and one new development project in Arlington County using the new Runoff  Reduction Method in order to evaluate the change in required detention volumes and the cost differential. The ability of the BMPs prescribed in the permitted plans to meet waters quality requirements under the new regulatory scenario was tested using the draft Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Compliance Worksheet (v2.7).

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Howard County MD

Howard County MD Little & Middle Patuxent Watershed Assessments and Restoration Plans - The retrofit project, part of a larger county-wide effort sponsored by the County’s Storm Water Management Division, primed and managed by Versar with five subcontractors focused on the Middle and Little Patuxent watersheds. Versar: (1) assessed current conditions; and (2) recommend watershed restoration opportunities. This included field-evaluation, ranking for conceptual design of 71 exiting stormwater BMPs. Field assessment data were collected with mobile tablet devices through the ESRI ArcCollector application.​

Stormwater Pond & County Properties Retrofit for Howard County MD’s County-Wide Implementation  Strategy - Led a team of civil engineers and GIS technicians that screened over 1,200  county-owned parcels for retrofit of new stormwater BMP and upgrade of almost 800 exiting stormwater  BMPs via desktop using an in-house methodology. Desktop analysis was followed by 240 field investigations which were ranked and screened and yielded 86 concept designs, 34 new retrofits on public property and 52 pond retrofits. Concept designs included computer- generated concept maps, detailed costs, modeled nutrient reduction estimations, and unified sizing criteria calculations in addition to planting plans for sites in need of additional forest canopy. Two summary reports were completed in 2013. The final product was integrated into the County-wide Implementation Strategy (CIS) also completed in 2013.   


Post-Construction Stream Restoration and Outfall Stabilization Inspection and Crediting Analysis

Turkey Branch, Upper Marlboro, MD - In 2021, Clean Streams assessed ~1100 linear feet of stream stabilization,  in a suburban neighborhood of Upper Marlboro along Turkey Branch, a 1st order tributary to the Western Branch of the Patuxent River in the Atlantic Coastal Plain. This included field inspection of stabilization structures within the LOD as well as status of the stream within the entire study reach (using Utility Cloud), estimation of quantities of materials and services needed for repair, followed by a memorandum (short report) on Maryland State crediting protocols and finally a calculation of potential credits available for the stabilized reaches as well as the potential for additional credits within the entire study reach..

Post Construction Monitoring of 4 Outfalls Prince George’s County, MD – 2021-2025. Clean Streams is providing post-construction monitoring of 4 outfalls in Prince George’s County MD within the Anacostia River watershed, based on the requirements outlined in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Chesapeake Bay TMDL Activities Regional General Permit (TMDL RGP Permit Number 2018-61504). USACE TMDL RGP requires post-construction monitoring for a period of five (5) years (five full growing seasons) to ensure the integrity of the restoration and successful establishment of planted vegetation. Monitoring will commence at the start of the growing season following construction and landscaping completion and will occur in years 1, 3, and 5. Monitoring includes channel cross-section, pattern, and profile (monumented) longitudinal profile, vegetation survey, a Functional or Conditional Assessment Methodology (FCAM), visual assessment, photo documentation and identification of corrective measures. Protocol 5, The Alternative Prevented Sediment for Outfalls, from The Chesapeake Bay Expert Panel Recommendations for Crediting Outfall and Gully Stabilization Projects in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed is also being used.

Seven Stream and Outfall Stabilization Inspections in Prince George’s County MD. In 2021 Clean Streams provided field inspection of stabilization structures within the LOD as well as status of the stream within the entire study reach as part of regular monitoring, for crediting purposes by the County. All data was input into Utility Cloud. Sites included urban, dense suburban and suburban neighborhoods. The seven sites include approximately 2,220 LF of stream restoration on Watts Branch near Bugler Street in Capitol Heights, 300 LF of outfall stabilization in Chillum on Fordham Road along an unnamed tributary to Northwest Branch of the Anacostia with substantial replanted area in floodplain, 400 LF of stream restoration in Capitol Heights near Wynnleigh Road, 4,000 LF on Paint Branch through the University of MD campus in College Park, 2400 LF on an unnamed tributary to Piscataway Creek in Brandywine, and 600 LF of stream restoration along an unnamed tributary to Henson Creek in Temple Hills.


Federal Projects

Arlington National Cemetery, VA VAR10 Construction General Permit Support - Clean Streams provided support for an out-of-state construction firm rehabilitating roadways and storm sewers inside Arlington National Cemetery with USACE as the client. The contract included overall permit guidance, SWPPP preparation including generation of a Pollution Prevention Plan (P2) and Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) and pollution prevention inspections.

Virginia Army National Guard, VA MS4 Permit Support - Clean Streams is providing support to the Department of Military Affairs' (DMA) Facilities Engineering and Management Environmental Department (NGVA-FMO-ENV) which has Readiness Centers, Field Maintenance Shops, Fort Pickett (a 41,000+ acre Maneuver Training Center), Camp Pendleton (a State Military Reservation), and other logistical facilities and training sites across the Commonwealth that are used for training and support of the Virginia Army National Guard. The contract helps ensure that Virginia Army National Guard facilities and training sites are in compliance with applicable federal, state and local environmental regulations. The Environmental Compliance Program consists of pollution prevention; storm water management; spill prevention control and countermeasures plans and activities; hazardous materials and waste; solid waste; air management projects; water quality; above ground storage tank (AST) and underground storage tank (UST) investigation, environmental education and training; Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping activities; environmental design and construction projects; and other environmental projects.

US Army Garrison Fort Lee, VA MS4 Permit Support -2021-2022 Clean Streams provided support to Environmental Resources Group LLC, on its environmental compliance contract with the US Army Garrison (USAG) which has a VPDES small MS4 permit. Tasks included in this subcontract included a training to ERG field staff on field verification methodologies of constructed stormwater management BMP facilities and outfall types as well other physical parameters of interest, as well as how to do real-time illicit discharge detection. This was followed by a QA/QC of all field classifications of BMPs and outfalls using aerial imagery, photographs and field notes. Gap analysis of the BMP tracking spreadsheet used by USAG to report to the VADEQ BMP Warehouse was completed. A review and quality control of an outfall validation and assessment report was also completed. The outfall validation was meant to determine if point sources associated with the Fort’s MS4 system discharged to waters of the US, as defined by 40 CFR 122.2. The review was especially complex due to a long-term lease and maintenance of housing areas serving the Department of Defense by a private firm.

US Naval Surface Warfare Center MD Stormwater Management Facilty Inspections- Carderock, MD. Inspection of stormwater management facilities (BMPs) as required by the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit using custom-developed inspection forms. BMPs varied from proprietary to generic designs including green roofs, drywells, dry swales, underground detention, surface sandfilters and bioretention

US Army Ft. George G. Meade MD, Stormwater Management Facilty Inspections - Developed an inventory of the stormwater management facilities on the property in preparation for receipt of a new General Permit for a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). Deliverables included a summary report and database ready for submission to the state regulatory agency.

Boards of Education & Universities

Virginia Community College System, Term Contracts for Environmental Engineering Services. - Clean Streams is providing  assistance in administration of storm water and erosion & sediment control programs, storm water masterplans, MS4 Program/Permit assistance, Environmental Impact review, Environmental Assessments, Wetlands Delineations and associated processes/permits/construction requirements, and hazardous materials identification and abatement design.

Frederick County MD Public School System Industrial Permit Support- Developed a response plan for the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Requirement for the Hayward Road Maintenance Facility with Industrial Permit 12-SW.

  • Provided industrial permit support, including SWPPP creation, inspections, and training to staff.

Arlington County VA Public Schools MS4 Permit Support- Assisted APS at onset of first SMS4 permit, from Registration Statement preparation, to illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) planning, Good Housekeeping to annual reporting.


City of Alexandria, VA - Stormwater Management Facilty Inspections - Managed, trained and led a team of junior staff in the inspection of 89 stormwater management facilities (BMPs) as required by the City’s NPDES MS4 permit on a 2-month, accelerated schedule in order to meet reporting requirements to the state. Some sites were “industrial stormwater” facilities with high risk drainages such as bus fleet maintenance facilities and public works yards. Device types included:


Green Infrastructure (GI) such as:

  • bioretention (shallow media and deep media for canopy tree design),

  • Filterra® tree boxes

  • engineered swales

  • engineered planter boxes

  • permeable pavements

  • vegetated filter strips

  • 1,000 - 10,000 gallon rain-harvesting cisterns for both emergency services use and landscape watering

  • green roofs, extensive and variable media depth designs

Specialized / custom sand filter designs including:

  • Delaware Sand Filter

  • Alexandria Compound Sand Filter

  • Austin Sand Filter

Proprietary BMPs using filtration, sedimentation and or hydrodynamics such as:

  • Contech CDS® Model CDS2015-4-C

  • Contech Stormceptor® Model STC-1800STC-450i, STC-11000S STC-2400STC-6000STC-1200

  • Contech Vortechs® Model 4000 and 7000

  • Contech StormFilter®

  • ADS BaySeparator™ Model TT-S, 1/2K and 3K.

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State Government Projects

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MD Department of Natural Resources


Technical Assistance in Electrical Generation and Transmission – Functional Area C - MBSS - 2023-2028. Clean Streams LLC is part of the TetraTech team supporting Maryland DNR's Power Plant Research Program (PPRP) and DNR’s Monitoring and Non-Tidal Assessment (MANTA) . Results from the Maryland Biological Stream Survey, MBSS, have already provided critical information on the intersection of valued natural resources with power generation and transmission impacts. The MBSS provides a dense coverage of biological condition information for testing the ability of scientific tools (such as Geographic Information Systems) to detect the relative influences of natural variability, power-related influences, and other anthropogenic effects. This coverage is critical to both the DNR and the Maryland Department of the Environment's (MDE) mandates to manage the state’s water resources and comply with the Clean Water Act (CWA). 


As a consultant for DNR, the TetraTech team will:

(1) Support DNR in site selection and; and

(2) Obtain the permissions needed to sample all sites where landowner permission is needed.

(3) Support the analysis of MBSS data for assessment of aspects such as statewide and/or watershed conditions, change over time, and associations between MBSS variables such as habitat, chemistry, and biology (for example).

(4) We may also be assisting DNR with quality control checks of field data and analyses performed.

(5) We will provide an annual report documenting survey results and making recommendations for improvements in the surveying process.

Virginia Department of Health (VDH) 


Source Water Assessment Program (VDH-SWAP) 2023 - The Federal Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 (P.L.10-182) established a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Program. As a part of the DWSRF, funds may be set-aside to enhance the ability of the state and owners of waterworks to ensure a waterworks long-term capacity to produce safe drinking water and to protect source waters. Clean Streams will be developing Source Water Protection Plans (SWPP) and assisting waterworks with the implementation of SWPP recommendations, as related to the completed VDH-SWAP for the Office of Drinking Water.

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Utilities Projects

DC Water

DC Clean Rivers Project (DCCR) Technical Liaison – Clean Streams LLC is part of the team led by NSC Inc of Washington DC to provide District-wide GI maintenance (Contract B) to DC Water's Clean River Project. We are providing third-party oversight and quality control of GI maintenance for NSC. The facilities under Contract B range from bioswales, bioretention, turf pavers, green roofs, alley and parking pervious pavements. The total contract value for Contract B is between $2,000,000.00 and $2,500,000.00. 

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission

Water Quality Surveillance and Response System Implementation - Clean Streams is assisting WSSC in reviewing and strengthening current capabilities, and implement planned upgrades related to online water quality monitoring, drinking water contamination preparedness and response, and other activities that fall under the umbrella of the EPA framework for Surveillance and Response System (SRS).

Patuxent Reservoirs Interim Watershed Management Report – Developed an Interim Watershed Management Plan for the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission’s (WSSC) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), which consisted of 3 counties (Howard, Montgomery, Prince George’s) and Maryland state government. WSSC’s two reservoirs provide potable water for 1.8 million residents. The effort included a literature review of more than 30 reports characterizing watershed condition, GIS data analysis, two public meetings and recommendations for management of the Patuxent reservoirs watershed. The plan included a review of the current ability of the TAC to meet the 9 minimum elements required in a watershed plan in order to be considered for future EPA Clean Water Act, Section 319 funding for nonpoint source programs. 

​Ballenger McKinney WWTP

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Support - Provided on-going 02-SW and 12-SW industrial stormwater permit support for the Ballenger McKinney WWTP in Federick County MD, during renovations to 14MGD capacity, including preparation of new SWPPP, annual training, comprehensive annual inspections and identification of reporting deficits.

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